Our Proctoring Services are currently unavailable. If you have any questions, please contact Susanna Faljyan at sxfaljyan@jieyangw.com.

We are excited to offer exam proctoring services during the semester:

  • To help us keep accurate records and reduce student wait-time, please submit one proctoring request per student at least two business days prior to the scheduled exam date. (Beyond the exam, faculty are required to provide additional resources, materials, or handouts. Please drop off at D-300A and indicate the student's name and student ID number) 
  • We offer proctoring for both print and online exams. For online exams, students work in an online environment while taking the test in the center (due to a current limited supply of laptops, students should bring their own computers).
  • The number of people taking the same exam for a class is limited to five students at any one time.
  • Students should report to the third floor of the D-Building; D-300A
  • Students should a bring picture ID (e.g., Student ID card, Driver’s License)
Exam Proctoring Hours
  • Monday - Thursday | 9am - 6pm
  • Friday | 9am - 4pm

* Exam proctoring services will be held in D300.

How to Request Proctoring Services

Please follow the instructions and we will contact you as soon as possible.

  1. Download the Proctoring Application 
  2. Use Adobe Acrobat to complete the Application
  3. When finished filling in the application, choose File > Save As and rename the file as follows: Student Last Name_Student Lancer ID#_App

To request proctoring services, please upload the following documents as .pdf files:

  1. Completed Proctoring Application renamed as Student Last Name_Student Lancer ID#_App
  2. When uploading exams, please rename them as Student Last Name_Student Lancer ID#_test title

Submit Your Documents